Biblical Messages

MYTHBUSTERS: The Bible is just a bunch of fables

Many people dismiss the Bible as “just a bunch of fables”.  They say that what’s written from Genesis to Revelation is simply made-up stories – inventions of religiously deluded men who were sucked in by a cultic leader.

Science, and history, tells us otherwise.  No other book has been so faithfully and accurately translated over the course of time.  Parts of the Old Testament date back to the time before Jesus – as you can see at the Royal Ontario Museum right now at their exhibit.

Well and good, but what use has the Bible? If it’s not just a bunch of fables, what good is it? The final installment in the “Mythbusters” series explores just that. Based on Hebrews 4.12-14 and 2 Timothy 3.10-17, you can listen to this message by clicking here.

Encouragement From The Word

Strength in weakness

I must admit, I feel like I’m coming close to the end of my rope. I’m trying to get some last-minute things done before I go on vacation, and (silly me) I’m taking a course this week. It’s left me more than a little frazzled.

On Thursday evening, we had our last “Thursday Celebration” worship gathering for the summer. I welcomed people and opened the service by explaining that I didn’t really feel like I had much to give, energy-wise, because of sitting in class all week and trying to keep caught up with my work, but that I hoped they’d bear with me.

Instead of having a low-energy, lack-lustre time of worship, though, God did an amazing thing: he showed up in power.

Our songs were filled with joy, and the preaching was filled with exuberance and the Spirit of God. I was amazed at the energy that was coming forth. And some who attended the gathering commented on it.

On reflection, I was reminded of the story the apostle Paul told to the Corinthians about his own weakness, those things that kept him ‘down’ at times. He wrote how he heard the Lord Jesus encourage him with these words: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12.9b, NIV).

It is when we are weak that God’s strength shows through in us most fully. There are times, like Thursday night was for me, when we just need to step out of the way and let the Lord work wonders.

I should have known God would do that. How about you?